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Human beings have depended on nature from the moment they were born. The riches of the earth enable us to exist, no matter how much we want to show our autonomy.
Today, as humanity's capabilities have grown, it is hard not to notice that nature has also become dependent on humans. The active poisoning of water, soil, and air, the depletion of resources, deforestation, the littering of forests with toxic waste, and the depletion of the ozone layer have consequences that have a detrimental effect on our common home.
Human activities also affect our neighbors-animals and plants. Consider how often and rapidly the Red Book is updated. According to the World Conservation Union, more than 800 species of animals and plants have disappeared from the face of the Earth over the past 500 years. And the current level of extinction is considered the largest since the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Many people live only here and now, without thinking about future generations and the fate of the animal world. Of course, it is difficult to imagine modern life without all conveniences, but if we constantly turn a blind eye to the problem, progress will be replaced by regress.
Our task is to help the planet and live with it in symbiosis. The least companies can do is to stop using plastic in production, replacing it with alternative packaging methods, reduce carcinogen and toxic emissions from car use. The important thing is not to do it quickly, but to do it right and sustainably - the result will only be better!
That's why Original Market uses environmentally friendly biodegradable packaging for goods, and delivers all orders on motorcycles or electric cars. We follow even the process of creating and growing products, because only environmentally friendly products should go into our bodies.
Always remember that the preservation of nature is the responsibility of each individual person. Start changing the world with yourself and set an example for others!